for the Digital Humanities
@ Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb
Dates 23.10.2019. - 25.10.2019.
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb
invites you to a 3-day Workshop
on how to use natural language processing tool - NooJ - in the context of digital humanities.
UP Important dates
First call for participation: 27.6.2019.
Second call for participation: 01.9.2019.
Registration opened: 27.6.2019. - 17.10.19.
Workshop dates: 23.10.19. - 25.10.19.
UP Programme
Wednesday, 23.10.2019.
Time | Presenter | Topic |
9:00 - 9:30 | Registration | |
9:30 - 11:30 | Silberztein | LECTURE: Why do we need linguistic resources for the digital humanities? |
13:30 - 16:30 | Silberztein | TUTORIAL 1: Text Analysis: concordances, regular expressions, statistical analysis |
Thursday, 24.10.2019.
Time | Presenter | Topic |
9:30 - 12:30 | Silberztein | TUTORIAL 2: Building Dictionaries and Dealing with Morphology |
13:30 - 15:00 | Kocijan | TUTORIAL 3: Building Croatian Dictionaries and Dealing with Croatian Morphology |
15:30 - 18:30 | Silberztein | TUTORIAL 4: Syntactic Analysis: Lego, Anyone? - Develop Grammars with NooJ's Graph Editor |
Friday, 25.10.2019.
Time | Presenter | Topic |
9:30 - 12:30 | Silberztein | TUTORIAL 5: Annotations, Disambiguation, XML Import-Export |
13:30 - 15:00 | Kocijan | TUTORIAL 6: Syntactic Analysis: Build Grammars to analyse Croatian texts – What are you searching for? |
15:00 - 18:00 | Silberztein & Kocijan | ONE-on-ONE MEETINGS: How can we help you start your own NooJ Project? |
UP About NooJ
NooJ is a linguistic development environment used to formalize language on different levels:
- spelling and typography,
- inflexional morphology,
- derivational and agglutinative morphology,
- local, phrase structure and dependency grammars,
- transformational grammar and
- semantic analysis.
NooJ offers formal tools to create, test, fix and share linguistic resources with broad coverage, for many languages.
NooJ is used as a corpus linguistics tool to analyze text corpuses by linguists, and in Digital Humanities to carry out historical, literary, psychological or sociological analyses of corpora.
NooJ has also been integrated into many NLP applications: recognition of named entities, automatic text generation, natural language interface, conceptual search engine, automatic paraphrase production, semantic web, machine translation.
NooJ is supported by the European Community's Metashare programme, is free and open source and runs under Windows, Mac OSX, LINUX and Unix. There are language resource modules in NooJ format for more than 20 languages, including Croatian, see: www.nooj-association.org.
UP Participants
Who is this workshop for?
This workshop is particularly aimed at Master's and doctoral students and university teachers interested in
- linguistics,
- corpus exploration tools and
- Digital Humanities applications.
Additional information
Participants are required to bring their own laptop with NooJ already installed (free download from www.nooj-association.org).
During the workshop, participants can work on exercises and experiments with given texts in order to investigate various applications of NooJ.
After the tutorials, informal one-on-one meetings can be arranged during which students and researchers will be helped to analyze their own texts.
Students who need confirmation of attendance due to the absence from regular classes, need to register for and attend the main Lecture and at least 3 Workshops of their own personal interest.
PhD students of PDS Information and Communication Sciences will be awarded credits for attending the main Lecture and at least 3 Workshops (of their own personal interest). They are advised to contact their mentors for further instructions.
UP Venue
Računalna dvorana Knjižnice [1. kat] Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu
Ivana Lučića 3, 10 000 Zagreb
UP Registration
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences provides participation in the workshop free of charge to its students, teaching and research personnel.
Due to the limited number of places, registration is required. In the case of exceeding the number of available seets, the registrations will be accepted on the first come, first served basis. Please fill in the following form: REGISTRIRAJ ME!