Nagrade nastavnicima i studentima

Academic year 2017-2018

Projects’ goals and partners

Project 1: Cruiseum – Equal Through Museums

The project was realized in cooperation with: XI. Gymnasium (Professor of Fine Arts: Nataša Babić Bogdanic), Museum of Typhology (Director: Željka Bosnar Salihagić), Museum of the City of Zagreb (Mrs. Vesna Leiner), Archaeological Museum (Mr. Ozren Domiter), Croatian School Museum (Director Štefka Batinić) and Ethnographic Museum the museum (Mrs. Željka Jelavić).

The main theme of the project is equality. The project started in XI. Gymnasium where university students conducted a survey to discover if the high school students were familiar with and interested in the museums. Furthermore, the university students organized professional tours through museums for highschool students, they also designed and moderated five workshops. They started with the Ethnographic Museum in Zagreb, where the topic was "Aborigines", and university students organized a fine arts workshop where high school pupils had to draw what the word "equality" means for them by using the pointing technique. The next museum on the tour was the Croatian School Museum in which the theme was school uniforms, and the workshop was designed as a debate with the thesis “School uniforms erase differences between students”, and the class was divided into 2 teams (for and against). Furthermore, the workshops were organized at the Museum of the City of Zagreb and at the Typhlological Museum (where highschool students had the opportunity to go through a part of the permanent display with blindfolds to become aware of the world of blind and partially sighted people). At the Typhlological Museum, professional guidance encompassed the topics of education, writing and artistic expression of the blind and visually impaired, and during the workshop highschool students were divided into 3 groups, each was given a picture that they had to describe in detail (for example, a person who had never seen before). The last stop was the Archaeological Museum with the topic "Roman Empire: Religion and Cult". The workshop was designed as a roundtable, and highschool students could discuss religions, respect and tolerance on an equal and open basis. In the final phase, back at the classroom of the XI. Gymnasium, a final evaluation was conducted to determine whether and to what extent the project affected the change in highschool students' attitudes regarding museums, and whether they had a desire to visit museums and other heritage institutions more frequently.

Link to final presentation:

Link to ePortfolio:


Project 2: Information literacy workshops for elementary students

The project of information literacy workshops for elementary school students is a continuation of the successful service-learning collaboration between the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Children Library Marin Držić, involving other partner institutions: Grigor Vitez Elementary School, Rapska Primary School and Marin Držić Primary School.

Three workshops were conducted: How to be safe on the internet, Electronic information resources and Rules of conduct on the internet. The workshops with fourth grade elementary school students focused on helping them to realize the importance of using the internet properly and in a useful way through interactive activities, especially as these are still areas to which school teachers do not devote enough time, due to the strict school curriculum.

At the workshops, surveys were also conducted among the elementary school students that provided insight into the behavior of 4th grade students on the Internet.

Link to final presentation:

Link to ePortfolio:


Project 3: Internet etiquette: rules of conduct on the Internet

The partner institution was the Dugave Library and the Dugave Primary School.

There are a number of dangers on the Internet such as stalking, insulting, impersonation, peer violence and pedophilia. Children, as the youngest and most inexperienced, are particularly at risk. Therefore, there is a need to make them aware of the consequences and dangers of the Internet and the social networks they use. As the Internet is not only a network of computers, but also a large informal community with its own code of conduct, it is of great importance to teach children that the same rules of conduct apply to the Internet as in real life (Internet etiquette). By adopting the rules of conduct on the Internet early, they can develop into future digital professionals and computer literate individuals who can contribute to the community through proper and beautiful behavior on the Internet.

Through a series of workshops, university students taught 6th and 7th grade elementary school students and their parents about the potential dangers of careless and misbehavior on the Internet and social networks that could endanger their child's safety.

Link to final presentation:

Link to ePortfolio:


Project 4: INFour - development of an info-brochure for non-formal education lecturers

The partner institution with which the project was implemented was the Association Zamisli -  Association for promoting quality education of young people with disabilities.

The project "Creating an Info Brochure for Lecturers in Non-Formal Education" was created to provide concrete suggestions on how to prepare lectures and exercises on the development of communication skills in which people with disabilities participate. The project is intended for people who serve as lecturers in formal and non-formal educational settings, for students who have to make presentations and lectures as part of their education, for academic staff who are not sufficiently aware of this issue. The project is intended to sensitize lecturers who do not have rehabilitation and other qualifications to work with people with disabilities. The brochure defines what disability is, who solves the problem of disability, and provides specific tips for improving presentational skills.

The brochure can be downloaded in pdf format or browsed online through the link:

Link to final presentation:

Link to ePortfolio:


Project 5: Designing an application and school of programming for the Dar Association

The partner institution was the DAR Association - association for the gifted children.

As part of the project, university students have created a mobile application for DAR association members and DAR administrators to facilitate communication between members and administrators. The second part of the project involved four workshops for gifted children of primary school age (upper elementary schools) and high school where they were taught to develop mobile applications (the basics of mobile app design and the creation of a simple app with several views). The technologies used by the students included standard web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, jQuery).

Link to final presentation:

Link to ePortfolio:


Project 6: Computer and information literacy of teachers of XI. Gymnasium

The partner institution was XI.Gymnasium in Zagreb.

The main objective of the project was to inform high school teachers about the use of information technologies and tools through IT workshops on four different topics (Kahoot, MSMovie Maker, Excel and Quizlet). The first was a Kahoot tool workshop, followed by a short video making workshop that was also the most complicated for users. This was followed by an MS Excel workshop, in which university students taught high school teachers about the basic functions and actions in Excel. During this workshop students had to improvise to help professors solve a specific problem - designing an annual school curriculum. Improvisation was carried out successfully to the satisfaction of both parties. Finally, the last workshop had a topic of test development in Quizlet.

Link to final presentation:

Link to ePortfolio:


Project 7: Workshops for elementary school students "Popularity of chat applications among children, problems and dangers of internet / Internet safety".

The partner institution was Jure Kaštelan Elementary School, also known as "Savica Primary School".

The project was aimed at the elementary school sixth grade students. This target group was chosen because during this period of life they start to actively use mobile phones and computers, and it is important to teach them some principles and rules of using the Internet. As the topics of behavior on the Internet, its dangers and protections are not addressed in the existing school curriculum, students held workshops in which they instructed children on the problems of cyberbulling, phishing, trolling, e-mail traps, password security, etc.

Link to final presentation:

Link to ePortfolio: