
Odsjek za informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti

Filozofski fakultet
Ivana Lučića 3, 10000 Zagreb

Radionica 8:
Crossing Language Barriers for Under-resourced Languages and Translation Tools in the EU

(Pre-event of the conference INFuture2007: Digital Information and Heritage)

Voditelji radionice:
Steven Krauwer 
Senior Researcher and Project Manager
Utrecht University – Faculty of Humanities
FEL Executive Committee Member
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Sanja Seljan
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Sciences
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Zagreb

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6 November 2007
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ivana Lučića 3, Zagreb, Croatia
Council Room

Radionicu je sponzorirao KRAŠ


9.00  –  9.30 Registration, working materials

9.30  –  9.45 Introduction

9.45 – 11.00 1st part: Sanja Seljan
Translation needs in EU
- number of languages, directions, need for education 
- situation in Croatia (number of translators, need for education )   
- need for integration of Croatian into European surroundings 
- short overview of MT development

11.00 –11.15 Coffee break

11.15 –12.30 2nd part: Steven Krauwer
Integration of smaller languages in EU
- Role of not widely spoken languages and their position
- Examples (Eurotra, ICT programmes)  

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch break

13.30 – 14.30 3rd part: Steven Krauwer and Sanja Seljan
Overview of translation tools in EU (with examples) 
- overview of existing tools (Systran, Trados, online dictionaries, etc.) and some practical 
comparison (e.g.translation with Systran, using Trados, online dictionaries)
- BLARK concept
- Open resource: Europarl
- Collecting resources from the web
- Stealing/ borrowing/sharing/methods and tools between languages
- How could a professional translator benefit from a (poor) translation system 
(or what needs to be done to make it usable)
- How could we limit the application domain to make it usable, in spite of its poor quality

14.30 – 14.45 Coffee break

14.45 – 15.45 4th part: Sanja Seljan and Steven Krauwer
Teaching MT / CAT at Zagreb University
- project presentation "Information Technology In Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) 
of Croatian And in e-Language Learning"
Possiblities for cooperation
- Some projects (FP, ICT, joint commissions for doctoral studies, Visiting lectures/ workshops, etc. –
all you think possible) – Croatia can participate in FP7
- New initiatives for EC programmes

15.45 – 16.00 Conclusion and discussion 

16.00 – Certificates for participation

Working languages: English + Croatian

All participants received printed materials and certificate for attending the workshop. Coffee, tea and light lunch were included.

Steven Krauwer
Senior Researcher and Project Manager in language and speech technology, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS, Faculty of Humanities, Utrecht University. Coordinator of ELSNET (European Network in Human Language Technologies), CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure), member of UiL OTS (Utrecht Institute of Linguistics); FEL (Foundation for Endangered Languages) Executive Committee Member. Participation and managing in European projects: EUROTRA (Machine Translation for EU languages), TEMAA (project on evaluation), EAGLES (standardisation and evaluation), CLASK (CEC International Collaboration), STT (Foundation for language Technology). Author and co-author of many research papers related to language technologies, co-organiser of numerous international conferences and workshops.

Sanja Seljan
Assistant Professor at the Department of Information Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. Her research interests are machine translation (MT), computer-assisted translation, localization and translation memories (TM), natural language processing (NLP), Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG), and computer-assisted language learning (CALL). Currently, she is the leader of the project “Information Technology In Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) of Croatian And in e-Language Learning (eLL)“ funded by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport. She has published 30 research papers from the area of language and technology.