

Naziv kolegija: Epistemologija informacijske znanosti

Nositelj: Sonja Špiranec

Izvođaći: izv. prof. dr. sc. Sonja Špiranec; Denis Kos

ECTS-bodovi: 5

Jezik: hrvatski

Trajanje: 1 semestar

Status: izborni za sve studije na Odsjeku i FF-u

Oblik nastave: 1 sat predavanja, 2 sat seminara

Ispit: usmeni i seminarski rad

Uvjeti: Položen ispit iz Uvoda u teoriju / informacijske znanosti / bibliotekarstva / muzeologije / arhivistike /

Nastava u ak. godini 2016./2017. počine 14. ožujka uvodnim predstavljanjem kolegija i rasporeda


Cilj kolegija:

Cilj kolegija je da studenti spoznaju utjecaj različitih epistemoloških i intelektualnih tradicija u informacijskoj znanosti, razumiju ključne epistemološke probleme informacijske znanosti i informacijskih djelatnosti te razviju sposobnost kritičkog promišljanja i vrednovanja novih informacijskih prostora s epistemoloških pozicija.

Literatura - obavezna:

Tuđman, M.: Prikazalište znanja, Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, Zagreb, 2003

Fallis, D. (2006). Social epistemology and information science. Annual Review of Information Science & Technology (ARIST), 40, 475-519.

Floridi, L. (2002). On defining library and information science as applied philosophy of information. Social Epistemology, 16(1), 37-49.

Literatura - preporučena:

Ashley Mcdowell (2002) Trust and information: The role of trust in the social epistemology of information science, Social Epistemology, 16:1, 51-63.

Budd, John M. (2002). Jesse Shera, Sociologist of Knowledge? The Library Quarterly, 72 (4:2002):423-440.

Cronin, B. (2008). The sociological turn in information science. Journal of Information Science.

Damien Smith Pfister (2011) Networked Expertise in the Era of Many-tomany Communication: On Wikipedia and Invention, Social Epistemology, 25:3, 217-231,

de Laat, P. B. (2012). Open source production of encyclopedias: Editorial policies at the intersection of organizational and epistemological trust. Social Epistemology, 26(1), 71-103.

Dick, A.L. (1999). Epistemological positions and library and information science. Library Quarterly 69(3), 305-323.

Epistemology, Theory, and Methodology in Knowledge Organization: Toward a Classification, Metatheory, and Research Framework." (2008). In Knowledge Organization. 35(2/3): 102-112.

Fallis, D. (2008). Toward an epistemology of Wikipedia. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(10), 1662-1674.

Fyffe, R. (2015). The Value of Information: Normativity, Epistemology, and LIS in Luciano Floridportal: Libraries and the Academy, Vol. 15, No. 2, 267–286.

Goldman, Alvin. "Social Epistemology."

Justine Pila (2009). Authorship and e‐Science: Balancing Epistemological Trust and Skepticism in the Digital Environment, Social Epistemology, 23:1, 1-24

Leah A. Lievrouw (2010) Social Media and the Production of Knowledge: A Return to Little Science?, Social Epistemology, 24:3, 219-237

Schiltz, M., Truyen, F. i Coppens, H. (2007). Cutting the Trees of Knowledge: Social Software, Information Architecture, and Their Epistemic Consequences. Thesis Eleven, 89, 1, str. 94-114.

Špiranec, S., Zorica, M. B., & Kos, D. (2016). Information Literacy in participatory environments: the turn towards a critical literacy perspective. Journal of documentation, 72(2), 247-264.

Wilkinson, L. (2015). Theories of knowledge in library and information science. // Swanson, T. (ed.) Not just where to click: teaching students how to think about information. Chicago: ACRL. Str. 13-36.