Coordinator for Erasmus program and international cooperation

Study of information sciences


The four-year study of information sciences as well as a two-year undergraduate studies with courses of library science, information science, museology and archive documentation were established in the academic year 1986/1987. The studies were open to students of all professions from any university in Croatia.


The common core of the studies was informatology, and it was planned for all students to acquire knowledge necessary for the development of the this scientific field as well as knowledge for the development and application of information systems in cultural and information institutions by studying information technology, database management and language processing courses.


The Department now proposes organization of a new program based on the latest insights into the field of information sciences and information acquired from the market analysis with the aim of preparing students for work in cultural, information, educational institutions (such as schools, libraries, archives, museums, documentation centers), and companies that require information professionals. The special task of the study is to train students for work in information society, especially by use and further development of information technology.


Curriculum is comparable to the curricula of the British (City University London, South Bank University London), Scandinavian (Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark), Dutch (Reinwardt Academie, Amsterdam) and German (Universität Freiburg) academic institutions and are in compliance with the basic provisions of the international professional societies of archivists, librarians, and museologists.


It is important to emphasize that the reorganization of the study according to the principles of the Bologna Declaration has started as part of the TEMPUS project, Aspects of Organization and Information Systems: Curriculum Development in which the Department participates. During the three years of work on the project, professors and assistants attended a series of seminars and workshops for the purpose of improving teaching and reorganizing the study.

Maintaining tradition, Department proposes one undergraduate study of information sciences (Study of Information Science, course information science (teacher-oriented included)) and five graduate studies. All of them are interdisciplinary in their nature and their compulsory and elective courses enable the students to develop their universal interests as well as to satisfy specific requirements of particular areas. Accordingly, they all share similar instructional contents so students can choose between several modules and later specialize in a particular discipline within the field of information sciences.




 Undergraduate study programmes: