Research and other projects


International projects:




SLIDE: Service-Learning as a pedagogy to promote Inclusion, diversity and Digital Empowerment 2022.-2024.

rural slika

Program: Erasmus+

Project: SLIDE: Service-Learning as a pedagogy to promote Inclusion, diversity and Digital Empowerment

The SLIDE-project aims to intertwine the service-learning (SL) pedagogy with digital empowerment (DE) in order to promote inclusion (I) and diversity. SLIDE will be able to bring together students and academics from a wide range of European universities to draw on existing practices, share knowledge and develop best practices in and with the community whereby all become teaching resources, problem solvers, and partners.


- UCSIA – Belgium (coordinator)
- Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam – Netherlands
- Sveuciliste u Zagrebu – Croatia
- Hochschulnetzwerk Bildung durch Verantwortung e.V. – Germany
- Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti – Romania
- Asociacion de Aprendizaje-Servicio Universitario – Spain
- Pädagogische Hochschule Wien – Austria
- Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystirci – Slovakia
- Libera Universita Maria SS. Assunta di Roma – Italy
- European Association of Service-Learning in Higher Education – Belgium



- KU Leuven – Belgium
- CLAYSS – Argentina
- PALECH – Spain


The project meets 3 needs of contemporary education, which have been identified by the COVID-19 crisis:
1. A need to digitally empower university teachers who rapidly have to transform from teaching professionals into learning experience designers and experts in emerging technologies;
2. A need to close the gap between self-perceived and actual digital competences of university students by equipping them with digital fluency/ intelligence/engagement skills, but also with pedagogical skills to sensitize them towards digital inclusion of underprivileged and underrepresented groups and to empower them to address sensitive contemporary societal issues while developing their digital competences;
3. A need to combine the digital empowerment of teachers and students with the pedagogical approach of service-learning understanding that this promotes diversity and inclusion, while establishing connections between higher education institutions and communities at risk, either in direct proximity or in rural/remote areas.


Coordinator of the Croatian team from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences: Nives Mikelić Preradović, full professor





Rural 3.0: Service Learning for the Rural Development RURASLRural 3.0: Service Learning for the Rural Development RURASL 2019.-2021.

rural slika

Program: Knowledge Alliances 

Project: Rural 3.0: Service Learning for the Rural Development

EU funding: 999.138,80€

Rural 3.0 is set as a knowledge alliance between different European Higher Education Institutions and rural partners, each with a different history, quite distinct experiences with rural social entrepreneurship and/or rural service-learning, different educational systems, as well as specific community needs regarding the location, politics, and the economy of the different rural communities.

Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (ESE) (Portugal)
University College of Teacher Education Vienna (Austria)
University of Zagreb (FFZG) (Croatia)
Rotterdam School of Management - Erasmus University (The Netherlands)
Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (Germany)
Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain)
Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
University of Bologna (Italy)

AJDeao (Portugal)
LAG*5 (Croatia)
LAG Ammersee (Germany)
Kaunas district LAG (Lithuania)
Galsinma (Spain)
Stichting Schutsluis Alblasserdam (The Netherlands)
Plenum (Austria)
LAG L'Altra Romagna (Italy)
*Local Action Group

Rural 3.0 intends to bring higher education institutions and rural partners together to work on a common issue - development of the necessary knowledge and skills needed to make changes in rural communities. It supports the modernisation of Europe's HE through the transnational curriculum based on the innovative service-learning approach to teaching and learning that brings students, academics, and the community, together to jointly develop solutions for challenging issues, as well as product and process innovation. It aims to stimulate social entrepreneurship of HEIs* teaching staff and rural entities through transnational cooperation between HEIs and rural partners. In addition to this, new learning and teaching methods will be jointly developed and implemented.

Coordinator of the Croatian team from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences: Nives Mikelić Preradović, full professor



TEMPUS projekt Aspects of organization and information systems: curriculum development, 2002.-2005.


Program: Joint European Networking Projects Scheme 2001

Financiranje: European Commission (Directorate General for Education)

Šifra projekta: CD_JEP-16086-2001

Projektni partneri:

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Njemačka

City University London, UK

Fakultet organizacije i informatike, Hrvatska

Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Hrvatska

Hrvatsko društvo za operacijska istraživanja, Hrvatska

Karl-Franzens Universität Graz, Austrija

Microsoft Hrvatska, Hrvatska

South Bank University London, UK

Sveučilište u Osijeku, Hrvatska

Sveučilište u Rijeci, Hrvatska

The Amsterdam School of Arts, Nizozemska

Voditelj projekta: prof. dr. sc. Blaženka Divjak, Fakultet organizacije i informatike

Koordinator-voditelj na Filozofskom fakultetu: prof. dr. sc. Jadranka Lasić-Lazić




TEMPUS projekt Aspects of organization and information systems: curriculum development, 2002.-2005.












ACCURAT – Analysis and evaluation of Comparable Corpora for UnderResourced Areas of machine Translation
(January 2010.- June 2012.)






LetsMT! – Platform for Online Sharing of Training Data and Building User Tailored Machine Translation
(March 2010.-  August 2012.)






Jankovic Castle: historic site, generating sustainable development of the Ravni Kotari region, 2011.-2014.






CESAR – Central and South-East European Resources, January 2011.- January 2013.





Launching (g)local level heritage entrepreneurship: strategies and tools to unite forces, safeguard the place, mobilize cultural values, deliver the experience, March 2012.- May 2014.





Abu-MaTran – Automatic Building of Machine Translation, 2013.-2016.






InterPARES Trust – Trust and Digital Records in an Increasingly Networked Society, April 2013.- April 2018.
