![]() Sanja Seljan, Ph.D., Full prof., permanent tenure Consultations: - winter semester: Monday 10.00-12.00h E-312 - summer semester: by appointement, on e-maill E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Phone: +385 1 409 23 50 |
Web of Science ResearcherID: M-6269-2019
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9048-419X
Research papers in Croatian scinetific bibliography Hrvatska znanstvena bibliografija (CROSBI)
Sanja Seljan, Ph.D. is a full professor employed at the Department of information sciences at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. She gained her Ph.D. in 2003. She was deputy head of the Department (2010-2017) and head of the Chair for Informatics (2015-2018). Currently, she is member of the National Scientific Field Committee for Information and Communication Sciences (2021 - ) and she is a guest-lecturer at the University of Mostar (2014 - ).
She was a project manager of the national and scientific project financed by Ministry of Sciences, five University grants and currently is a Faculty leader on the project with industry (EU Regional Development Funds). She participated in more than 10 international and national projects.
She has been teaching at undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels, at two postgraduate doctoral and one spcialist study. She participated in the reorganisation of studies in the harmonization process with European studies. She has published research and professional papers in the domain of natual language processing (NLP), data analysis ana vizualization, text mining and information extraction, machine translation (MT), machine learning, language technologies in business, digitization changes and national branding. She participated at more than 100 conferences, gave 8 workshops. She is the co-editor or editor of publications in English, member of program and scintific committees, member of review boards and organization committees of journals and coferences. She gave plenary lectures at international conferences, invited speeches in the European Parliament and in the European Commission and at European universities.
She was supervisor for more than 150 undergraduate and graduate theses, 1 master thesis and 15 doctoral theses. She is a member of the Faculty Council, was member of Faculty committee for quality improvement of studies, ECTS coordinator of the Department, ECTS coordinator of the Faculty. She is a member of different professional national and international associations. She has been teaching in Croatian, English and French, uses basic Italian and German. She has specialized abroad.
Research interests:
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Machine Translation (MT), Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT tools) and Localization
- Data Science, Data Analysis and Visualization,
- Business Analytics
- Text Mining, Information Extraction and Knowledge Creation
- Social Media Analysis
- language technologies in business
- Machine Learning
- national branding and visual identity
Invited / plenary / guest lectures:
- Big Data - from Resources to Knowledge Discovery. Women in Data Science 2020, Zagreb 5.3.2020. (conference licenced by Stanford University).
- Quality Control of Terminology in Computer-Assisted Translation Process. European Commission, Luxembourg, 8.10.2018.
- Collaboration between the Language Industry and the Academic Community. Ciklopea, Zagreb. 1.9.2017.
- Improving Information Transfer through Quality Assurance. DG Trad. DGT - European Parliament, Luxembourg, 16-17.10.2017.
- Plenarno: Information Transfer through Machine Translation in Migrant Environment. International Summer Academy TRANS, Maribor, Slovenia, 10.7.2017.
- What Data is Needed and Why? European Language Resources Coordination ELRC, Zagreb, 21.6.2016.
- Interdisciplinary Education of Technology in Translation.#TranslatingEurope Forum. Brussels, 29.10.2015.
- Budućnost prevoditeljskog posla. Hrvatska gospodarska komora, Zagreb, 30.11.2015.
- Primjena informacijske tehnologije u prevođenju specijaliziranih tekstova. Udruga stalnih sudskih tumača, Zagreb, 31.1.2015.
- Extracting terminology by language-independent methods. University Innsbruck, Austria, 1.11.2014.
- From Digitisation to Terminology Base. Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany, 8.7.2014.
- Towards integrated Translation Technology. International Conference "Translation Technology Terminology (TTT)", Zadar, 2013.
- Stančić, H.; Seljan, S. Je li tehnologija dovoljna? OŠ Augusta Harambašića, Zagreb, 26.2.2013.
- Use of Translation Tools in the Translation Process. University of Maribor, Slovenia, 21.12.2011.
- Plenarno: Information and Communication Technologies in the Translation Process. Int. Conf. Society and Technology, Lovran, 28-30.6.2011.
- Current trends in Technical Education for Translation Profession: pilot study. DGT - European Commission, Brussels, Belgija, 1.12.2011.
- Language Processing at Department of Information Sciences at FFZG. Centrum für Informations- und Sprachverarbeitung (CIS), Ludwig Maximilians Universität (LMU) Münich, Germany, 6.12.2010.
- Prevodilački alati u EU i potreba za hrvatskim elektroničkim resursima. Hrvatska udruga stipendista francuske Vlade, Zagreb.18.11.2008.
- Leksičko-funkcionalna gramatika (LFG) u opisu hrvatskoga jezika. Klub sveučilišnih nastavnika. 2004.
Selected papers:
- Reprint : Marrara, S.; Pejić Bach, M.; Seljan, S.; Topalovic, A.. FinTech and SMEs: The Italian Case. Research Anthology on Concepts, Applications, and Challenges of FinTech, IGI Global, 2021. 261-282. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-8546-7.ch015
- Seljan, S.; Baretić, M.; Seljan, M.; Pejić Bach, M. Information assessment of hospital websites in Croatia: How to develop accountability standards? International journal of health planning and management, 35 (2020), 3; hpm2975, 2 doi:10.1002/hpm.2975 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/hpm.2975
- Pejić Bach, M.; Seljan, S.; Jaković, B.; Buljan, A.; Zoroja, J. Hospital Websites: From the Information Repository to Interactive Channel. Procedia Computer Science, 164 (2019), 64-71 doi:10.1016/j.procs.2019.12.155
- Krstić, Ž.; Seljan, S.; Zoroja, J. Visualization of Big Data Text Analytics in Financial Industry: A Case Study of Topic Extraction for Italian Banks. Entrenova'19 5 (1), 67-76.
- Pejić Bach, M., Krstić, Ž., Seljan, S. Big Data Text Mining in the Financial Sector. Expert Systems in Finance: Smart Financial Applications in Big Data Environments. Taylor & Francis, 2019, Chapter 6. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9780429024061, https://books.google.hr/books?hl=en&lr=&id=9KeaDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA80&dq=%22Big+data+text+mining+in+the+financial+sector%22&ots=WeQxot6GKR&sig=2kdYQcJuO0yeT0Dl2_oBnA_OE3E&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=%22Big%20data%20text%20mining%20in%20the%20financial%20sector%22&f=false
- Pejić Bach, M.; Krstić, Ž.; Seljan, S.; Turulja, L. Text Mining for Big Data Analysis in Financial Sector: A Literature Review. Sustainability 11 (5), 2019; 1-27. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/11/5/1277
- Seljan, S. Quality Assurance (QA) of Terminology in a Translation Quality Management System (QMS) in the Business Environment. EU publications: Translation services in the digital world - A sneak peek into the (near) future. DGT for European Parliament, 2018; 92-105. https://publications.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/9d7e9d55-d66d-11e8-9424-01aa75ed71a1/language-en/format-PDF
- Marrara, S.; Pejić Bach, M.; Seljan, S.; Topalovic, A.. FinTech and SMEs: The Italian Case // FinTech as a Disruptive Technology for Financial Institutions / Rafay, Abdul (ur.). Hershey, Pennsylvania : IGI Global, 2019; 42-60.
Book: https://www.igi-global.com/book/fintech-disruptive-technology-financial-institutions/210216 - Seljan, S. Total Quality Management Practice in Croatian Language Service Provider Companies. Proceedings of ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise RESearch INOVAtion Conference, 2018; 461-469. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=3228515
- Seljan, S.; Dunđer, I. Combined Automatic Speech Recognition and Machine Translation in Business Correspondence Domain for English-Croatian. // Int. Journal of Computer, Information, Systems and Control Engineering. WASET - World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology – WASET, Vol. 8 (2014), No. 11; 1069-1075. https://waset.org/Publication/combined-automatic-speech-recognition-and-machine-translation-in-business-correspondence-domain-for-english-croatian/9999654
- Seljan, S.; Dunđer, I. Automatic Quality Evaluation of Machine-Translated Output in Sociological-Philosophical-Spiritual Domain // CISTI 2015: 10th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies - Vol. II. Águeda : AISTI (Associação Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação), 2015; 128-131. https://bib.irb.hr/prikazi-rad?&rad=767730
- Seljan, S.; Tucaković, M.; Dunđer, I. Human Evaluation of Online Machine Translation Services for English/Russian-Croatian. // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing - New Contributions in Information Systems and Technologies, Springer. 353 (2015) ; 1089-1098.https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275029438_Human_Evaluation_of_Online_Machine_Translation_Services_for_EnglishRussian-Croatian
- Seljan, Sanja; Baretić, Maja; Kučiš, Vlasta. Information Retrieval and Terminology Extraction In Online Resources for Patients with Diabetes. // Collegium antropologicum. 38 (2014) , 2; 705-710 1098. http://www.collantropol.hr/antropo/article/view/772
- Pejić Bach, Mirjana; Seljan, Sanja; Zoroja, Jovana; Buljan, Ante; Cafuta, Brigitta. Hospital websites as a road to transparency: Case study of transition countries // Knowledge and business challenge of globalization in 2017. Celje, Slovenia, 2017. 91-100. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324532470_Hospital_websites_as_a_road_to_transparency_Case_study_of_transition_countries
- Brkić, Marija; Seljan, Sanja; Vičić, Tomislav. Automatic and Human Evaluation on English-Croatian Legislative Test Set. // Lecture Notes in Computer Science – LNCS, Springer. 7816 (2013) , 1; 311-317.
- Jaworski, Rafał; Seljan, Sanja; Dunđer, Ivan. Towards educating and motivating the crowd – a crowdsourcing platform for harvesting the fruits of NLP students' labour // Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics. Polland, 2017; 332-336.
- Seljan, Sanja; Stančić, Hrvoje; Dunđer, Ivan. Extracting Terminology by Language Independent Methods // Forum Translationswissenschaft. Translation Studies and Translation Practice. Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang GmbH, 2017.
- Seljan, Sanja; Dunđer, Ivan. Machine Translation and Automatic Evaluation of English/Russian-Croatian // Proceedings of the International Conference "Corpus Linguistics - 2015". St. Petersburg, Russia, 2015. 72-79. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281494411_Machine_Translation_and_Automatic_Evaluation_of_EnglishRussian-Croatian
- Seljan, Sanja; Klasnić, Ksenija; Stojanac, Mara; Pešorda, Barbara; Mikelić Preradović, Nives. Information Transfer through Online Summarizing and Translation Technology // INFuture2015: e-Institutions – Openness, Accessibility, and Preservation. Zagreb, 2015. 197-21
- Seljan, Sanja. Total Quality Management Practice in Croatian Language Service Provider Companies // Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference. Zagreb : IRENET, 2018. 461-469. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3283755
- Seljan, Sanja; Dunđer, Ivan. Automatic word-level evaluation and error analysis of formant speech synthesis for Croatian. // Recent Advances in Information Science - Recent Advances in Computer Engineering Series 17 – WSEAS (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society). 1 (2013) ; 172-178
Leader for FFZG:
- Natural Language Processing Research (for Croatian) and Product Development (PhishHRban) for Increasing Cyber Security (EU Regional Development Fund) 2021-2023
Project manager / grants:
- IDisruptive technologies in knowledge creation: machine learning and data analytics with implementation in specialized domains (grant supported by University of Zagreb) 2019
- Technology in promotion of sustainable development of tourism and culture (techCULTOUR) (grant supported by University of Zagreb) 2018
- Digitization of Archive Material in the Archives of FFZG of University of Zagreb and Developmet of Digital Humanites: Lexical and Ssemantic Annotation Model (DAFF) (grant supported by University of Zagreb) 2017
- Digital Document Classification by Computer-Assisted Translation Techniques (eClass) (grant 1, No., supported by University of Zagreb) 2014
- Information Technology in Computer-Assisted Translation of Croatian and in e-Language Learning (130-1300646-0909 Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, MZOS) 2007-2013
Project participation:
- InterPARES Disrupt: Interdisciplinary Research on Public Administration Disrupted Services (I-Disrupt) (Horizon 2020, 2021-2024)
- Digitisation of archive materials in the Archive of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb and development of digital humanities
(DAFF), National programme "Croatian cultural heritage", Ministry of culture of the Republic of Croatia, 2020 - Alignment of Study Programs from Social Sciences an Humanities with Labour Market Needs (ESF - European Social Fund) 2015-2016.
- Comparative Evaluation of Information Sciences Curricula among Croatian and World Universities (supported by University of Zagreb) 2015.
- Let's MT (2010-2012)
- Accurat (FP7/2007-2013)(FP7/2007-2013)
- TEMPUS (Aspects of Organization and Information Systems: Curriculum Development - CD_JEP-16086-2001)
- TEALS - Teaching and Language Skills - CARDS): Training Project 2004.
- Computer Understanding of Natural Languages (0130440 MZOS) 2002-2005.
- Computer Understanding of Croatian language (130740 MZOS) 1998-2002.
Editor / co-editor:
- Seljan, S. (ed.) Special Issue On: Disruptive Technologies Changing Business and Communication. International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA). IGI-Global (in process)
- Milković, M.; Seljan, S.; Pejić Bach, M.; Peković, S.; Perovic D. (eds.) Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA '19 - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference. Zagreb: Irenet, 2019. ISSN 1849-7950
- Atanassova, I.; Zaghouani, W.; Kragić, B.; Aas, K.; Stančić, H.; Seljan, S. (eds.) INFuture 2017: Integrating ICT in Society. Zagreb: Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, 2017. ISBN 978-953-175-408-8
- Anderson, K.; Duranti, L.; Jaworski, R.; Stančić, H.; Seljan, S.; Mateljan, V. (eds.) INFuture2015 : e-Institutions - Openness, Accessibility, and Preservation. Zagreb: Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, 2015.
- Gililand, A.; McKemmish, S.; Stančić, H.; Seljan, S.; Lasić-Lazić, J. (eds.). INFuture 2013: Information Governance. Zagreb: Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, 2013
- Billenness, C.; Hemera, A.; Mateljan, V.; Banek Zorica, M.; Stančić, H., Seljan, S. (eds.) INFuture 2011: Information Sciences and e-Society. Zagreb: Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, 2011.
- Stančić, H., Seljan, S.; Bawden, D.; Lasić-Lazić, J.; Slavić, A. (eds.). INFuture 2009: Digital Resources and Knowldge Sharing. Zagreb: Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, 2009.
- Seljan, S., Stančić, H. (eds.). INFuture 2007: Digital Information and Heritage. Zagreb: Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, 2007.
- member of the Faculty Commeettee (2007 - 2017)
- EAMT (European Association for Machine Translation)
- ECTS coordinator for the mobility of FFZG (2009, 2010)
- ECTS coordinator for the mobility of the Department (2009, 2010)
- Committee for study development at FFZG (2009-2011)
- Croatian Information Society (HID)
- IFLGA (International Lexical-Functional Grammar)
- HID (Croatian Information and Documentation Society)
- HDJT (Croatian Society for Language Technologies)
- HDPL (Croatian Society for Applied Linguistics)
- GALA (Globalization and Localization Association)
- Croatian Association of Grant Receivers of the French Government
Conference Committees
- 2021, 2020, 201, 2018 - ICMarkTech - International Conference on Marketing and Technologies
- 2019, 2018 WASET - World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (International Scientific Committee and Editorial Review Board on Information and Communication Engineering)
- 2019 Int. Conf. Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics, May 17-19, 2019, Poznań, Poland (Program committe & Review board)
- 2019 Int. Conf. e-Dictionaries and e-Lexicography, 10 - 11 May 2019, Zagreb (Program Committee member)
- 2019 simpozij Uloga i mogućnost IKT tehnologije u predškolskom i osnovnoškolskom obrazovanju te obrazovanju učitelja, u okviru Konferencije STOO, 15 17 November 2019, Zagreb (Program Committee mmember)
- 2018 Int. Conf. 8th international conference Language & Technology, 17-19 November 2017, Poznan, Poland (Program committee & Review board)
- 2017 Int. Conf. INFuture 2017: Integrating ICT in Society, 8 - 10 November 2017, Zagreb (Organizing member, Program committee & Review boad)
- 2017 Trans: Translation and Migration, 1-13.7.2017, Maribor, Slovenia (Program committee)
- 2015 Int. Conf. World Conference on Information Systems and Technologiew (WorldCIST'15), Azores, Portugal, published by Springer, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing: New Contributions in Information Systems and Technologies (Program committee & Review board)
- 2015 Int. Conf. INFuture 2015: e-Institutions: Openess, Accessibility and Preservation, 11 - 13 November 2015, Zagreb (Organizing member, Program committee & Review boad)
- 2013 Digital Document and Society: Diversification and Renewal of Mediations/ La médiation numeriqueédiation numeriqueLa médiation numeriqueédiation numerique , 29-30 April, 2013 (Scientific committee, Review board)
- 2013 Int. Conf. INFuture 2013: Information Governance, 6 - 8 November 2013, Zagreb (Organizing member, Program committee & Review boad)
- 2011 Int. Conf. INFuture 2011: Information Sciences and e-Society, 9 - 11 November 2011, Zagreb (Organizing member, Program committee & Review boad)
- 2009 Int. Conf. INFuture 2009: Digital Resources and Knowledge Sharing 4 - 6 November 2009, Zagreb (Organizing member, Program committee & Review boad)
- 2007 Int. Conf. INFuture 2007: Digital Information and Heritage, 7 - 9 November 2007, Zagreb (Organizing member, Program committee & Review boad)
- 2015 Springer, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing: New Contributions in Information Systems and Technologies
- editor & co-author Computational language analysis : computer-assisted translation (CAT) and e-language learning (eLL) 2012
- co-editor of INFuture conference proceedings (2017, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007)
- co-editor of Translatologia
- Undergraduate
Data Analysis and Visualization
Machine Translation, MT
Fundamentals of Digital Text and Image Processing
- Graduate
Data and Text Analysis
Digital Resources and Translation Memories
Translation Memories as Translation Tools
Computational Grammar Models (Lexical-Functional Grammar) ( - 2016)
Computer-Assisted Language Learning, CALL ( - 2016)
- Postgraduate doctoral studes
Postgraduate Doctoral Study of Information and Communication Sciences & Postgraduate Doctoral Study of Glotodidactics:
Machine Translation and Distruptive Technologies
Multilingual Corpora in Computational Language Processing
ICT and Foreign Language Learning