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Associate professor and Chair of the Media and communication at the Department of Information and Communication Sciences teaching at the undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate level. Her main research focus is knowledge organization and management, e-learning, information literacy, school libraries and new media. She has participated on international and national conference either as an author, reviewer or member of the organization or program committee. In 2010. she received two awards on international and national level. The annual “The IASL School Librarianship Award” for the promotion of school librarianship and the University of Zagreb e-learning award for the best utilization of social software in e-learning. She is a member of the editorial board of the international journal School Libraries Worldwide. She was a co-chair of the organizing committee of the ECIL 2014 conference and a Vice president of IASL association.
Fields of Interest:
- knowledge organisation
- knowledge management
- e-learning
- school libraries
- information literacy
Publications listed in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography (CROSBI)
Some published full papers can be accessed on:
- National (MZOS)
- Organizacija, upravljanje i razmjena znanja u elektroničkom obrazovnom okruženju (šifra projekta 130-1301799-1755)
- Organizacija informacija i znanja u elektroničkom obrazovnom okruženju (šifra projekta: 0130462)
- International
- TEMPUS Joint European Project - Aspects of Organization and Information Systems: Curriculum Development (CD_JEP-16086-2001)
- TEMPUS TEALS (Teaching and Langage skills - CARDS SCM 2004 Training Project)
- Introducing Intellectual Property Education for Lifelong Learning and the Knowledge Economy (IPEDU) (2020-2024)
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship (INRS) – ERASMUS+ (2022-2025);
- Institutional (University of Zagreb)
- Development of taxonomy of generic information competences for better employability
- Digitalna tehnologija u ostvarivanju prava na znanje i obrazovanje posebnih skupina studenata (gluhi i nagluhi, te slijepi i slabovidni)
- Information literacy in the perspective of authentic education
Head of the project:
- International
- ERASMUS Intensive Program - Information and communication technology in supporting the educational process.
- Croatian team of project DIGITOOLS - (Erasmus+ Innovative Tools for Enhancing E-Learning Solutions in Universities (2021-2023)
- Institutional (University of Zagreb)
- Disinformation in the context of media and information literacy (2018)
- Analytics in the e-learning systems (2019-2020)
Undergraduate study
- Classification systems
- Digital educational libraries
- Information literacy
- Foundations of information literacy
- Media Culture
Graduate study
- Information and knowledge management
- Electronic learning environments
- School libraries
- Knowledge organization systems
- UDC seminar
Postgraduate study
- Organization and managemetn of information and knowledge
- Selected chapters in e-learning
- International Association of School Librarianship (IASL)
- International Society for Knowledge organization (ISKO)