Postgraduate study

Subject: History of book and libraries    
ECTS credits: 3
Language: Croatian
Duration: 1 semester
Status: elective
Method of teaching: lectures, seminar
Prerequisite: none
Assessment: written exam, seminar and coursework

Course description:
Middle East – first civilizations (Sumerians, Babilonians, clay tablets, cuneiform script); first libraries (Ashurbanipal, Ebla); Phoenicians; Egypt (hieroglyphs, books of deads); Far East – old civilizations (China, India); Greek and Roman world (book, script and libraries – classical Greece, Helenian period, Etruscans, Roman republic, Roman Empire); Middle Ages in Europe (book production and libraries - monastic scriptoriums, Carolingian renaissance, first universities, book sellers, writing materials, censorship); Araps in Middle Ages; Far East in Middle Ages (China, Korea, Japan); Pre-columbian civilisations in America; Humanism and Renaissance – book and libraries; Invention of printing press (Gutenberg, the importance of printed books, incunabula); Books and libraries in the period from the Renaissance to the French Revolution (printers, book sellers, publishers, structure of printed book, book fairs); Book and libraries in the 19th century (cheap books, book production, illustrations, periodical publications, censorship, book publishing, book sellers, library organization, librarianship); Book and libraries in the 20th century (censorship, book production, new forms of book, books for children, pocket books, library types)
Course objectives:
After this course students will be able to:
1. describe book production and the development of libraries throughout the history
2. explain characteristics of the development of literacy throughout the history
3. recognize some of the most important scripts (cuneiform, hieroglyphs, demotic script, Greek alphabet, linear A and B, glagolitic script, cyrillic script)
4. identify an incunabula and explain its characteristics
5. find imprint and colophon in old books
6. argue the importance of the invention of printing press
7. explain the development of librarianship and library science

Quality check and success of the course:
Internal evaluation will be done by teachers and students at the end of semester.

Reading list:
1. Stipčević, Aleksandar. Povijest knjige. Drugo, prošireno i dopunjeno izdanje. Zagreb : Matica hrvatska, 2006.
2. Stipanov, Josip. Knjižnice i društvo. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 2010.
3. Diringer, David. Povijest pisma. Zagreb : Hrvatsko bibliotekarsko društvo, 1991.
4. Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. Cenzura : neizostavan čimbenik razvoja ljudske misli i društva. // Aleksandru Stipčeviću s poštovanjem. Zagreb : Zavod za informacijske studije, 2008.  Str. 135-166.
5. Pelc, Milan. Pismo : knjiga : slika. Zagreb : Golden marketing, 2002.
6. Stipčević, Aleksandar. O savršenom cenzoru : iliti priručnik protiv štetnih knjiga i njihovih autora. Zagreb : Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske, 1994.
7. Stipčević, Aleksandar. Socijalna povijest knjige u Hrvata : Knjiga I. : Srednji vijek. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 2004.
8. Stipčević, Aleksandar. Socijalna povijest knjige u Hrvata : Knjiga II. : od glagoljskog prvotiska do Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 2005.
9. Stipčević, Aleksandar. Socijalna povijest knjige u Hrvata : Knjiga III. : od početka Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda do danas. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 2008.