Informacije o studiju

Course: Fundamentals of Digital Image and Text Processing        
ECTS credits: 5    
Language: Croatian         
Duration: 1 semester        
Status: elective course        
Method of teaching: 1 hour of lectures, 1 seminar hour and 1 hour of labs weekly
Prerequisite: none        
Assessment: seminar paper, oral exam, written exam        

Course description:
Students will acquire concepts such as vector graphics, bitmap graphics, graphic editing tools (software for digital image editing) and image editing methods. Topics covered are: morphing, animation, image resolution, image compression techniques, screen resolution and printer resolution, image depth, color systems, layers (layers), masks and channels. The basic principles of design will be discussed, as well as black and white design, color theory, color design and the importance of visual identity.  The design of various types of publications and prepress will be covered. Students will learn to work with Gimp and CorelDraw.

Course objectives:
To introduce students to the basics of digital image and text processing. The course is divided into three parts. In the first part, students will acquire basic knowledge of image processing in Gimp, learn about different types of graphics, graphic tools and image processing methods. In the second part, students will acquire basic knowledge related to the design, color theory and design of various types of publications. In the third part, students will acquire basic knowledge of prepress and design, as well as creating logos, business cards and posters in CorelDraw.

Quality check and success of the course:
The evaluation will be performed by the teacher and fellow students and will be carried out as a survey at the end of the semester.

Reading list:
1. Bošnjak, Goran. Photoshop: 66 najpopularnijih trikova. Zagreb: Vidi-To, 2001.
2. Steve Bain, CORELDRAW X7 User Guide, Corel Corporation, 2014.
1. Beardsworth, John. Photoshop Blending Modes Cookbook for Digital Photographers : 49 Easy-to-Follow Recipes to Fix Problem Photos and Create Amazing Effects (Cookbooks (O'Reilly)) [ILLUSTRATED] O'Reilly Media, Inc.; 1 edition (November 8, 2005)
2. Dayton, Linnea. Photoshop CS / CS2 Wow! Book, The, 1/e (WOW!) Peachpit Press; Pap/Dvdr edition (October 12, 2006)
3. Bunks, Carey. Grokking the GIMP. (
4. Eismann, Katrin. Adobe Photoshop Restoration & Retouching (3rd Edition) (Voices That Matter) New Riders Press; 3 edition (November 17, 2006)
5. Eismann, Katrin. Photoshop Masking & Compositing (VOICES) New Riders Press (October 8, 2004
6. Plenković M, Mustić D, Hadžić S, Radoš G. Komunikološka analiza vizualnih kriterija za procjenu uspjeha parlamentarnih stranaka. Informatologia 41, 2008 (4), 308-326
7. Corel Draw X7 Quick Start Guide, Corel Corporation, 2014