Konferencija doktoranada 2023

Subject:  Probability and statistics   
Course: Probability and Statistics    
ECTS credits: 6    
Language: Croatian        
Duration: one semester        
Status: obligatory        
Method of teaching: Lectures and exercises
Prerequisite: Mathematics    
Assessment: During the semester three tests or at the end of the semester written and oral exam.        

Course description:
1. Population. Statistical features. Data collection. Creating the statistical series. The statistical tables. Graphic.
2. Means. The arithmetic mean. Harmonic mean. Median. Mode.
3. The range of variation. Inter quartiles. Coefficient of quartiles deviation. Graphic of dispersion. Variance. Standard deviation. Coefficient of variation.
4. Time series. Graphic. The base indices. Chain indices. Rates of change. The average rate of change.
5. The sample without returning and returning to population. Repeating the experiment under the same conditions. Large population.
6. Space probabilities. The experiment, event algebra and probability.
7. Independence and conditional probability. The total probability and Bayes formula.
8. Random variable. Distribution function and the probability function. The expectation and variance.
9. Discrete uniform distribution. Binomial distribution. Poisson  distribution.
10. Continuous uniform distribution. Normal distribution. Exponential distribution. Student     ? 2  distribution.
11. Random sample. Distribution function of a random sample. Statistics. The expectation and variance of the random sample.
12. Parameter estimation of distribution. The method of moments, maximum likelihood and unbiased estimation. Interval parameter estimation of distributions. Parameters estimation of the normal distribution.
13. Statistical hypothesis testing. Hypothesis and test. Error first and second order. Tests parameters of the normal distribution. ? 2  test.
14. Linear regression. Regression line. Parameter estimation of regression. Parameter estimation of correlation coefficient.

Course objectives: Students have to learn elements of probability and statistics and how to use that knowledge.

Quality check and success of the course:

Reading list:
AM Mood, FA Graybill, DC Boes: Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, McGraw-Hill, New York in 1974.
I. Šošic: Statistika, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1996,
I. Pavlic, Statistička teorija i primjenena, Tehnička knjiga, Zagreb 1988.
B. Tepeš: Skripte iz deskriptivne statistike
B. Tepeš: Skripte iz vjerojatnosti 
B. Tepeš: Skripte iz razdioba
B. Tepeš: Skripte iz statistike
Statističke tabele

Course: Mathematics

ECTS credits: 6

Language: Croatian

Duration: 1 semester

Status: type D1 – mandatory course for the students of the main study

Method of teaching:




Course description: 1. Set, element of set, describing sets. Finite set, infinite set, countable set. Cardinal number. set equality, empty set, universal set. Subset, power set. Set operations, union of sets, intersection of sets, complement of a set, difference of sets. Ordered pair, Cartesian product.
2. Relation. Binary relation, proprties of binary relations. Equivalence relation, equivalence class. Ordering relation. Partial order, infimum, supremum, minimum, maximum. Function, domain, codomain, image of a function. Properties of functions, injection, surjection, bijection. Permutation, composition of functions, inverse function. Power, polynom, exponential function, lagarithmic function.
3. Natural numbers. Mathematical induction. Recurrences. Linear recurrences with constant coefficients.
4. Linear algebra. Vector space. Vectors, Metric, distance vector. Matrix. null matrix, unit matrix, diagonal matrix, triangular matrix. Addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication, transposed matrix, matrix product. Matrix reduced form. Inverse matrix. System of linear equations. Gauss-Jordan method for solving systems of linear equations.
5. Graph. Graph definition, graph drawing, vertex of graph, edge. Incidence matrix. Degree of a vertex of a graph. Path on a graph, graph cycle. Connected graph, acyclic graph. Planar graph, Euler characteristic. Eulerian path, Eulerian cycle, Eulerian graph. Hamiltonian path, Hamiltonian cycle, Hamiltonian graph. Tree, subtree.

Course objectives: After attendance lectures and after passing the exam students will understand parts of the mathematical analysis and vector spaces, the term of the real number, and functions. They will also understand procedures for solving systems of linear equations.


Quality check and success of the course: written and oral exam


Reading list:

D. Veljan, Kombinatorna i diskretna matematika, Algoritm, Zagreb 2001.

N. Elezović, Linearna algebra, Element, Zagreb 2003.

P. Javor, Matematičke analize, Element, Zagreb 2001.

B. Tepeš, Predavanja i vježbe iz kombinatorika i grafova, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb 2007.


Subject: History of book and libraries    
ECTS credits: 3
Language: Croatian
Duration: 1 semester
Status: elective
Method of teaching: lectures, seminar
Prerequisite: none
Assessment: written exam, seminar and coursework

Course description:
Middle East – first civilizations (Sumerians, Babilonians, clay tablets, cuneiform script); first libraries (Ashurbanipal, Ebla); Phoenicians; Egypt (hieroglyphs, books of deads); Far East – old civilizations (China, India); Greek and Roman world (book, script and libraries – classical Greece, Helenian period, Etruscans, Roman republic, Roman Empire); Middle Ages in Europe (book production and libraries - monastic scriptoriums, Carolingian renaissance, first universities, book sellers, writing materials, censorship); Araps in Middle Ages; Far East in Middle Ages (China, Korea, Japan); Pre-columbian civilisations in America; Humanism and Renaissance – book and libraries; Invention of printing press (Gutenberg, the importance of printed books, incunabula); Books and libraries in the period from the Renaissance to the French Revolution (printers, book sellers, publishers, structure of printed book, book fairs); Book and libraries in the 19th century (cheap books, book production, illustrations, periodical publications, censorship, book publishing, book sellers, library organization, librarianship); Book and libraries in the 20th century (censorship, book production, new forms of book, books for children, pocket books, library types)
Course objectives:
After this course students will be able to:
1. describe book production and the development of libraries throughout the history
2. explain characteristics of the development of literacy throughout the history
3. recognize some of the most important scripts (cuneiform, hieroglyphs, demotic script, Greek alphabet, linear A and B, glagolitic script, cyrillic script)
4. identify an incunabula and explain its characteristics
5. find imprint and colophon in old books
6. argue the importance of the invention of printing press
7. explain the development of librarianship and library science

Quality check and success of the course:
Internal evaluation will be done by teachers and students at the end of semester.

Reading list:
1. Stipčević, Aleksandar. Povijest knjige. Drugo, prošireno i dopunjeno izdanje. Zagreb : Matica hrvatska, 2006.
2. Stipanov, Josip. Knjižnice i društvo. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 2010.
3. Diringer, David. Povijest pisma. Zagreb : Hrvatsko bibliotekarsko društvo, 1991.
4. Hebrang Grgić, Ivana. Cenzura : neizostavan čimbenik razvoja ljudske misli i društva. // Aleksandru Stipčeviću s poštovanjem. Zagreb : Zavod za informacijske studije, 2008.  Str. 135-166.
5. Pelc, Milan. Pismo : knjiga : slika. Zagreb : Golden marketing, 2002.
6. Stipčević, Aleksandar. O savršenom cenzoru : iliti priručnik protiv štetnih knjiga i njihovih autora. Zagreb : Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske, 1994.
7. Stipčević, Aleksandar. Socijalna povijest knjige u Hrvata : Knjiga I. : Srednji vijek. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 2004.
8. Stipčević, Aleksandar. Socijalna povijest knjige u Hrvata : Knjiga II. : od glagoljskog prvotiska do Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 2005.
9. Stipčević, Aleksandar. Socijalna povijest knjige u Hrvata : Knjiga III. : od početka Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda do danas. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 2008.

Subject: Information Science
Course: Introduction to Information Studies    
ECTS credits: 5    
Language: Croatian
Duration: 1 semester
Status: Mandatory
Method of teaching: Lecture, Essay
Prerequisite: None

Assessment: Homework 20%
Essay 40%
Written exam 40%
Course description:
This course is designed to provide an introduction to Information Studies for undergraduate students. The course consists of lectures on the major contributing areas of study to Information Science - a field of study still being defined and developed. Information and Communication Science students are introduced to the dynamic and shifting information professions, complex organizations, and emerging careers in the field.
Seminar work is designed to the skills needed write effectively for academic purposes. It covers instructions and needed to help students understand what is required, and to plan, structure and write seminar essays.

Course objectives:
This course will provide the foundational knowledge necessary to begin to address the key issues associated within the Information and Communication field of study. Successful completion of this course will give the student the conceptual tools necessary to understand providing a foundation for later study in Information or any number of more traditional disciplines. Seminar work will provide students with tools and knowledge of academic writing from planning the research, finding, evaluating and citing sources, to writing a seminar essay.

Reading list:

1. Saračević, T. Prilozi utemeljenju informacijske znanosti. Osijek: Filozofski fakultet, 2006.
2. Tuđman, M. Teorija informacijske znanosti. 2. izd. Zagreb : Informator, 1990. (str. 1-70)
3. Tuđman, M.; Boras, D.; Dovedan, Z. Uvod u informacijske znanosti. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 1992. (Poglavlja 1., 2., 3.)
4. Oraić Tolić, D. Akademsko pismo : strategije i tehnike klasične retorike za suvremene studentice i studente. Zagreb: Naklada Ljevak,2011

1. Tuđman, M. Informacijska znanost-predmet, ishodišta, osnovni pojmovi. Odabrana poglavlja iz organizacije znanja. Zagreb: FF, Zavod za informacijske studije, 2004.
2. Tuđman, M. Epistemologijski postav informacijske znanosti. Odabrana poglavlja iz organizacije znanja. Zagreb: FF, Zavod za informacijske studije, 2004.
3. Lasić-Lazić, J.; László, M.; László, B. Konceptualna i primijenjena okosnica studija informacijskih znanosti na Filozofskome fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu // InFuture2007: Digital information and heritage / Bawden, D. et al., editor(s). Zagreb : Odsjek za informacijske znanosti, Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, 2007.

Course: Fundamentals of Digital Image and Text Processing        
ECTS credits: 5    
Language: Croatian         
Duration: 1 semester        
Status: elective course        
Method of teaching: 1 hour of lectures, 1 seminar hour and 1 hour of labs weekly
Prerequisite: none        
Assessment: seminar paper, oral exam, written exam        

Course description:
Students will acquire concepts such as vector graphics, bitmap graphics, graphic editing tools (software for digital image editing) and image editing methods. Topics covered are: morphing, animation, image resolution, image compression techniques, screen resolution and printer resolution, image depth, color systems, layers (layers), masks and channels. The basic principles of design will be discussed, as well as black and white design, color theory, color design and the importance of visual identity.  The design of various types of publications and prepress will be covered. Students will learn to work with Gimp and CorelDraw.

Course objectives:
To introduce students to the basics of digital image and text processing. The course is divided into three parts. In the first part, students will acquire basic knowledge of image processing in Gimp, learn about different types of graphics, graphic tools and image processing methods. In the second part, students will acquire basic knowledge related to the design, color theory and design of various types of publications. In the third part, students will acquire basic knowledge of prepress and design, as well as creating logos, business cards and posters in CorelDraw.

Quality check and success of the course:
The evaluation will be performed by the teacher and fellow students and will be carried out as a survey at the end of the semester.

Reading list:
1. Bošnjak, Goran. Photoshop: 66 najpopularnijih trikova. Zagreb: Vidi-To, 2001.
2. Steve Bain, CORELDRAW X7 User Guide, Corel Corporation, 2014.
1. Beardsworth, John. Photoshop Blending Modes Cookbook for Digital Photographers : 49 Easy-to-Follow Recipes to Fix Problem Photos and Create Amazing Effects (Cookbooks (O'Reilly)) [ILLUSTRATED] O'Reilly Media, Inc.; 1 edition (November 8, 2005)
2. Dayton, Linnea. Photoshop CS / CS2 Wow! Book, The, 1/e (WOW!) Peachpit Press; Pap/Dvdr edition (October 12, 2006)
3. Bunks, Carey. Grokking the GIMP. (http://gimp-savvy.com/BOOK/)
4. Eismann, Katrin. Adobe Photoshop Restoration & Retouching (3rd Edition) (Voices That Matter) New Riders Press; 3 edition (November 17, 2006)
5. Eismann, Katrin. Photoshop Masking & Compositing (VOICES) New Riders Press (October 8, 2004
6. Plenković M, Mustić D, Hadžić S, Radoš G. Komunikološka analiza vizualnih kriterija za procjenu uspjeha parlamentarnih stranaka. Informatologia 41, 2008 (4), 308-326
7. Corel Draw X7 Quick Start Guide, Corel Corporation, 2014