Drugi poziv za dostavu sažetaka


ana 2 1

Ana Pongrac Pavlina, PhD, assistant professor

Office hours
FRIDAY: office E-318 or online (via BigBlueButton, Zoom or Google Meet; by prior arrangement; announcement by email): 12:30-14:00

Phone: +385-1-4092306

E-mailThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Resume: Ana Pongrac Pavlina was born in 1983 in Zagreb. 

She attained PhD with the thesis “The effectiveness of software simulation in informatics education ” in 2018 under the supervision of full professor Jadranka Lasić-Lazić, PhD.

Currently she is holding a position of assistant professor.


Awards and scholarships:


  • Rector's Award for student paper „Model upravljanja kvalitetom nastave na razini kolegija“ under the supervision of Full-time professor Jadranka Lasić-Lazić in academic year 2007/08.
  • Faculty of the Humanities and Social Sciences scholarship at the E-learning Academy in academic year 2013/14.
  • Faculty of the Humanities and Social Sciences scholarship at the program „Aktivno učenje i kritičko mišljenje u visokoškolskoj nastavi“ in academic year 2014/15.
  • Osnove korištenja obrazovnih trendova i digitalnih alata u nastavi in academic year 2015/16.
  • Napredna primjena obrazovnih trendova i digitalnih alata u nastavi in academic year 2015/16.



Fields of interest:

Teaching methods in informatics
Teaching methods in information science
Teaching quality
Creative teaching
(Digital) textbooks
Digital learning materials
Digital learning tools
New teaching method (software simulation)
(Digital) picturebooks



Ana Pongrac Pavlina - bibliography



Projects participation:


  • Erasmus IP: Information and communication technology in supporting the educational process
  • Razvoj taksonomije generičkih informacijskih kompetencija kao sredstva poboljšanja zapošljivost
  • Usklađivanje studijskih programa iz područja društvenih i humanističkih znanosti s potrebama tržišta rad
  • Razvoj modernih studijskih programa za izobrazbu nastavnika informatike, tehnike, biologije, kemije, fizike i matematike na temeljima razvoja Hrvatskog kvalifikacijskog okvira  



Course leader:

Digital learning materials 
Teaching methods in informatics 1
Teaching methods in informatics 2
Teaching methods in information science 1
Teaching methods in information science 2
Creative teaching workshop
Practicum-informatics (single major)
Practicum-informatics (double major)