Igor Kanižaj, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
E-mail: ikanizaj@fpzg.hr
Phone: +385-1-4642000
Igor Kanižaj, Ph.D is Assistant Professor at the University of Zagreb, Journalism Department at the Faculty of Political Science. On Department of Journalism and Media Production he holds courses in Print Media, Media and Diversity, Media and Violence, Newsroom. From 2012 he is teaching Media and Children on Doctoral Study Information and Communication Science, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. He is a lecturer at the Military Diplomatic School, of the Ministry of Defence, and host lecturer at Croatian Defence Academy „Ban Josip Jelačić“. From 2010 he is executive editor of Media Studies journal. He is also Vice president of the Association for Communication and Media Culture (DKMK.hr, and djecamedija.org) and has experience as a communication expert in several EU funded IPA and CARDS projects. He is the co-author of the first public opinion research on Media Literacy in Croatia. Participated in several international research projects and networks: COST project ISO906 „Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies“, ANR TRANSLIT (Media and Information Literacy Policies in Croatia (2013), DIMLE – Digital international media literacy ebook project, EU KIDS ONLINE and Y-NEX (European Youth News Excahnge). He is also one of the authors of UNESCO Paris Declaration on MIL in Digital Era from 2014.
Fields of interest:
Publications listed in the Croatian scientific bibliography (CROSBI)
Aida Slavić, PhD, Associate Professor
E-mail: aida.slavic@udcc.org
Aida Slavic is the editor-in-chief of the Universal Decimal Classification for the UDC Consortium in The Hague (Netherlands). She is responsible for the development and the maintenance of the scheme and is editor of the official annual UDC publication Extensions & Corrections to the UDC and chief editor of the UDC Online Hub and is project manager of Multilingual UDC Summary. Aida is an adjunct associate professor in the Department of Information and Communication Sciences at the University of Zagreb, Croatia where she teaches as a guest lecturer on the postgraduate courses of indexing languages, knowledge organization and information retrieval. She holds a doctoral degree in library and information studies from University College London and Masters and a Bachelor degrees in library and information sciences from University of Zagreb. She is the author of over 80 papers and conference presentations on the topics of knowledge organization, subject access, subject metadata, classifications (construction and modelling and their use in resource discovery) and the Universal Decimal Classification.
Aida serves on the Editorial Board of the Knowledge Organization journal, Scientific Advisory Council of the International Society for Knowledge Organization and IFLA Subject Analysis and Access Section.
She participates on the programme committees of a number of international conferences related to metadata and knowledge organization (Dublin Core, ISKO, NKOS Workshops) and is a programme chair of International UDC Seminars, a series of biannual conferences on classification research and application. She is a recipient of the 2015 World Library Leaders Professional Excellence Award from Satija Research Foundation in Library and Information Science.
Fields of interest: knowledge organization, subject access, theory of classification, metadata, information organization and discovery, information integration, Semantic Web
Publications listed in the Croatian scientific bibliography (CROSBI)
Nada Zgrabljić Rotar, PH.D. Associate Professor
E-mail: nrotar@hrstud.hr
Phone: +385-1-2457613; +385-91-5155568
Nada Zgrabljić Rotar, PH.D. Associate Professor, is the Head of the Department of Communication Sciences of the Croatian Studies University of Zagreb. She is also a member of faculty at the graduate and postgraduate studies of journalism and media at the Universities of Ljubljana and Maribor as well as at the postgraduate studies of the Department of Information and Communication Sciences at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb. She is the founder and the editor-in-chief of the journal Medijska istraživanja/Media Research (founded in 1995). She is a researcher in many national, international and European projects. She is the author, co-author or the editor of the following books: Digital Age. Mass Media and Digital Culture (2011); Croatian Media System - According to UNESCO's Indicators of Media Development (2011); Radio – Myth and Information, Dialog and Democracy (2007); Media Research and Media Discipline from 1995-2005 (2005); Media Literacy and Civil Society (2006), Life with Media (1999); Kraljski Dalmatin – 200 Years of Journalism in Zadar and Croatia in European Context (2007). She is also the author of numerous papers published in international journals. She is a member of the Council for Theatre, Film, Radio and Television of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. She was the President of the Programme Council of the Croatian National Radio and Television, vice-president of the Executive Board of the Croatian news agency HINA and the associate member of the Media Board of the Croatian Parliament. She was President of the Croatian Association of Scholars of the French Government. From 1981 – 2006 she worked at the Croatian National Radio and Television.
Fields of interest:
Publications listed in the Croatian scientific bibliography (CROSBI)
Head of the Projects
Researcher on the Projects:
Regulations and rules:
Regulations on Doctoral Studies at the University of Zagreb (2010) - in English
Doctoral Forms - also available in English
Strategy documents:
PhD program in Information & Communication Sciences: Research strategy 2015–2020 - in English
Gordana Vilović , PhD, Full prof.
E-mail: gordana.vilovic@fpzg.hr or gordana.vilovic@zg.t-com.hr
Phone: +385+91-4550861
Gordana Vilović, PhD, is Professor at the Department of Journalism and Media Production at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Zagreb. She is an author and co-author of six books that deal with journalism, journalism ethics, media history and journalism education. She has published more than 40 scientific and other articles. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses at the Faculty of Political Science. She also teaches a course on the doctorate level (information and communication science) at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. During 1990s she organized and led trainings and workshops for young journalists from Southeastern Europe.
Fields of interest:
Publications listed in the Croatian scientific bibliography (CROSBI)
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS)
Department of Information and Communication Sciences
Ivana Lučića 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
phone: +385-1-4092302
fax: +385-1-6156879