
Subject: Computer-Assisted Teaching
Course: Computer-Assisted Teaching
ECTS credits: 4
Language: Croatian/English
Duration: 1 semester
Status: Elective
Method of teaching: Blended course; 1L, 1E, 1S
Prerequisite: No
Assessment: Weekly tasks, final project


Course description: Computer-Assisted Teaching is an elective course offered to all graduate students at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. It is intended for students pursuing teaching profession. The course covers the following topics: Introduction to Computer-Assisted Teaching (CAT). Rationale for traditional, online and blended teaching. Communication and learning in a virtual environment. Curriculum overviews in a course management system (CMS). Basics of multimedia instructional design. Course design on the Moodle platform 2.5.x. Advanced use of Google applications in education and their integration within Moodle.

Course objectives: The students will experience the role of a teacher in modern education through an independent approach in the search for information and problem solving with ICT skills. The students will find, evaluate and publish information in accordance with their individual approach to education and by selecting a strategy for improving the effectiveness of teaching and the use of modern electronic media and educational technology. The students will design and publish materials for teaching using the course management system Moodle. The students will integrate the acquired CAT knowledge and skills with other professional subject knowledge in a multidisciplinary context.

Quality check and success of the course: project work, evaluation and assessment


Reading list:
1. Schank, R. C. (2005). Lessons in Learning, e-Learning, and Training. USA: Pfeiffer.
2. Willems, J. (2007). When words fail: A case for multimodality in e-learning. In ASCILITE Conference 2007. ICT: Providing choices for learners and learning (pp. 1070–1078). Retrieved from
3. Sylvain, M. C., Mofford, K., Lehr, E., & Riley, J. E. (2011). Reusable learning objects: Developing Onlinhe Information Literacy Instruction through Collaborative Design. In Teacjing Information Literacy Online (pp. 25–43). USA: Facet Publishing.