Research and other projects

Igor Kanižaj, Ph.D., Assistant Professor

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Igor Kanižaj, Ph.D is Assistant Professor at the University of Zagreb, Journalism Department at the Faculty of Political Science. On Department of Journalism and Media Production he holds courses in Print Media, Media and Diversity, Media and Violence, Newsroom. From 2012 he is teaching Media and Children on Doctoral Study Information and Communication Science, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. He is a lecturer at the Military Diplomatic School, of the Ministry of Defence, and host lecturer at Croatian Defence Academy „Ban Josip Jelačić“. From 2010 he is executive editor of Media Studies journal. He is also Vice president of the Association for Communication and Media Culture (, and and has experience as a communication expert in several EU funded IPA and CARDS projects. He is the co-author of the first public opinion research on Media Literacy in Croatia. Participated in several international research projects and networks: COST project ISO906 „Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies“, ANR TRANSLIT (Media and Information Literacy Policies in Croatia (2013), DIMLE – Digital international media literacy ebook project, EU KIDS ONLINE and Y-NEX (European Youth News Excahnge). He is also one of the authors of UNESCO Paris Declaration on MIL in Digital Era from 2014.
Fields of interest:

  • Media education,
  • Media literacy,
  • Media and children

Publications listed in the Croatian scientific bibliography (CROSBI)

  • EU Kids Online,


  • ICA,
  • ECREA,
  • DKMK