International cooperation

Course: Public libraries
ECTS credits: 6
Language: Croatian    
Duration: 1 semester
Status: elective
Method of teaching: Lectures and seminars
Prerequisite: none
Assessment: written exam and coursework

Course description:
The emergence of public libraries as local institutions financed from public funds. Libraries as a social institutions. Role of libraries in cultural policies and national development strategies. The development of public libraries in Croatia. International documents of UNESCO, IFLA, the Council of Europe and EBLIDA on libraries. The functions of public libraries: information, education and culture. The public library as a place of public access to the Internet. The library as a forum. Free access to information as a condition for the achievement of freedom of speech. Free access to information and legal regulation of the right of access to information. Library Legislation in Croatia. Planning the development of libraries. Mission statement as a basic document of the library. Quantitative and qualitative standards. The public library as a center of a local history and culture. Local cultural heritage. Local history collection, defining the scope, planning, gathering materials, advertising and promotion of collections. Communication and collaboration with users. Cooperation in organizing programs with other similar institutions in the local community. Digitisation projects of local heritage. Criteria for the selection of materials. Solving copyright and establishing a registry of digitized material. Library services. Regular services and special programs. Finding sources of funding, identify potential sponsors, marketing and advertising. Library staff. Professional ethics.
Course objectives:

After this course students will be able to:
1. Explain the role of public library in the local community
2. List, define and plan public library activities
3. Develop, manage and evaluate functions of public libraries
4. Report on legal issues that apply for public libraries in Croatia
5. Analyse and measure success of public library
6. Select and apply marketing and management techniques for public libraries

Quality check and success of the course:
Internal evaluation will be done by teachers and students at the end of semester. External evaluation will be done by fellow professors participating at the course and evaluating both course and teacher.

Reading list:

1. IFLA-ine smjernice za narodne knjižnice / uredile Christie Koontz i Barbara Gubbin. 2. hrvatsko izd., (prema 2. izmijenjenom izd. izvornika). Zagreb : Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, 2011.
a. IFLA-in i UNESCO-ov Manifest za narodne knjižnice. // IFLA-ine smjernice za narodne knjižnice / uredile Christie Koontz i Barbara Gubbin. 2. hrvatsko izd., (prema 2. izmijenjenom izd. izvornika). Zagreb : Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, 2011. Pp. 105-107.
b. Dopuna IFLA-inog Manifesta. // IFLA-ine smjernice za narodne knjižnice / uredile Christie Koontz i Barbara Gubbin. 2. hrvatsko izd., (prema 2. izmijenjenom izd. izvornika). Zagreb : Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, 2011. Pp. 118-119.
2. Smjernice za pokretne knjižnice / prerađeno izdanje priredila radna skupina IFLA-ine Sekcije za narodne knjižnice na čelu s Ianom Stringerom. 1. hrvatsko izd., (prema 2. prerađenom izd. izvornika). Zagreb : Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, 2011.
3. Smjernice za knjižnične usluge za multikulturalne zajednice : s IFLA-inim Manifestom za multikulturalnu knjižnicu. 1. hrvatsko izd. prema 3. izd. izvornika. Zagreb : Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, 2010.
4. Smjernice za knjižnične usluge za bebe i djecu rane dobi. Zagreb : Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, 2008.
5. Smjernice za knjižnične usluge za djecu : knjižnične usluge za djecu – važnije no ikada za djecu i njihove obitelji diljem svijeta / IFLA [i.e. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions], Sekcija za djecu i mladež. Zagreb : Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, 2004.
6. Smjernice za knjižnične usluge za mladež : prerađeno izdanje Smjernica koje je 1996. objavio Stalni odbor Sekcije knjižnica za djecu i mladež / priređivači Pat Muller i Ivan Chew. Web 2.0 i knjižnične usluge za mladež : uvod za knjižničare / priredio Ivan Chew. Zagreb : Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, 2009.
7. Smjernice za knjižnične usluge za bolničke pacijente, starije osobe i osobe s posebnim potrebama u ustanovama za trajnu skrb i smještaj / sastavila radna skupina pod predsjedavanjem Nancy Mary Panella, pod pokroviteljstvom Sekcije za knjižnične usluge za osobe s posebnim potrebama. Zagreb : Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, 2009.
8. Council of Europe/EBLIDA Guidelines for library legislation in Europe. Dostupno na:
9. Jones, B. M. Libraries, access, and intellectual freedom : developing policies for public and academic libraries. Chicago : ALA, 1999.