
Course: Digital educational libraries
ECTS credits: 5
Language: Croatian
Duration: 1 semester
Status: elective
Method of teaching: lectures, seminar, colloquium
Prerequisite: none
Assessment: coursework and written exam

Course description: Introduce students with the roles and tasks of libraries in digital environment.
Lectures and tutorials: Types of libraries in educational environment; Library as a centre of educational process; Evolution of the concept of digital libraries; Virtual learning environments; Organization of digital content; Metadata; Repositories; Copyright and open access; E-books; Evaluation of digital library services; Web 2.0 and digital libraries;

Course objectives: Students will be enabled to understand scientific literature and follow research advances in the field. They will be encouraged for individual and teamwork as well as critical review, research and creation of new knowledge in the field of digital educational libraries as well as application of knowledge in similar or new situations.
After this course students will be able to:
1. Differentiate between models of traditional and digital library
2. Demonstrate knowledge of technology for e-book development and choose the most appropriate one
3. Organize and evaluate elements of digital library
4. Select and compare different technologies for development of digital libraries
5. Design and prepare library services in the digital educational environment
Quality check and success of the course:
Internal evaluation will be done by teachers and students at the end of semester. External evaluation will be done by fellow professors participating at the course and evaluating both course and teacher.

Reading list:
1. Arms, W. Digital libraries. MIT, 2000.
2. Digital library futures : user perspectives and institutional strategies / edited by Ingeborg Verheul, Anna Maria Tammaro, Steve Witt ; [International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions]. - Berlin : De Gruyter Saur, 2010.
3. E-books in libraries : a practical guide / edited by Kate Price and Virginia Havergal. London : Facet Publishing, 2011.
4. Envisioning future academic library services : initiatives, ideas and challenges / edited by Sue McKnight. London : Facet, 2010
5. Web 2.0 and libraries : impacts, technologies and trends / edited by Dave Parkes and Geoff Walton. - Oxford : Chandos
1. Allan, B. E-learning and teaching in library and information services. London: Facet publishing, 2002.
2. Banek Zorica, Mihaela; Ivanjko, Tomislav; Benčec, Maja. Social networking and libraries // Proceedings of the IADIS international conference e-Society 2012 / Kommers, P. ; Isaias, P. (ur.). Berlin : IADIS, 2012. 511-515
3. Banek Zorica, Mihaela; Eremić, Ana. Libraries in Web 2.0 Environment // INFuture2009: Digital Resources and Knowledge Sharing / Stančić, Hrvoje ; Seljan, Sanja ; Bawden, David ; Lasić-Lazić, Jadranka ; Slavić, Aida (ur.). Zagreb :     Zagreb : Department of Information Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, 2009. 479-487.
4. Kovačević, D. Lasić-Lazić, J. Lovrinčević, J. Školska knjižnica - korak dalje. Zagreb: Filozofski Fakultet, Zavod za informacijske studije:Altagama, 2004
5. Lasić-Lazić, Jadranka; Banek Zorica, Mihaela; Špiranec, Sonja. Repozitoriji digitalnog obrazovnog materijala kao sastavnica kvalitete suvremenih koncepta obrazovanja. // Edupoint. 5 (2005) , 33;  
6. Learning objects: Standards, Metadata, Repositories, & LCMS/ ur. Keith Harman and Alex Koohang. Santa Rosa, Calif.: Informing Science Press, 2007
7. Lovrinčević, J. Kovačević, D. Lasić-Lazić, J. Banek Zorica, M.Znanjem do znanja : prilog metodici rada školskog knjižničara. Zagreb : Zavod za informacijske studije Odsjeka za informacijske znanosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2005.