
Course: Information sources and information service
ECTS credits: 6
Language: Croatian, English
Duration: 1 semester
Status: compulsory
Method of teaching: 2 hours of lectures, 2 hours of seminar
Prerequisite: Bibliographic organisation 1
Assessment: oral exam and a seminar paper oriented so as to make student solve independently a user's request and present the solving procedure during lectures.

Course description:
Information sources in general: stand-alone data sources; official publications, unconventional sources; primary, secondary and tertiary sources.
Bibliography: meaning of the term, origins and historical development. Types of bibliographies. UCB: origins and development. National bibliographic control. National current bibliography: history, purpose, forms. Trade bibliographies as national current bibliographies. Bibliography of bibliographies. Bibliographic catalogues. Components of bibliographies. Organisation of material in a bibliography. Evaluation criteria. Bibliographic databases. Services for preparing abstracts and indexes. Encyclopaedia and lexicons.. Dictionaries: development and types. Databases. Digital reference libraries. Web pages of libraries. printed and electronic information sources.

Course objectives:
The students shall learn historical development and importance of secondary sources of information, and general evaluating criteria; they will be able to evaluate independently the value of particular sources. Acquisition of knowledge on information service in a library and skills to answer to information queries.

Quality check and success of the course: Quality check and success of the course will be done by combining internal and external evaluation. Internal evaluation will be done by teachers and students using survey method at the end of semester. The external evaluation will be done by colleagues attending the course, by monitoring and assessment of the course.

Reading list
1. ANDERSON, D. UBC : a survey of Universal bibliographic control. London : IFLA International Office for UBC, 1982.
2. BEAUDIQUEZ, M. National bibliographic services at the dawn of the 21st century: evolution and revolution. International Conference on National Bibliographic Services. http://www.ifla.org./VI/3/icnbs/beam-e.htm
3. BEAUDIQUEZ, M. National bibliography as witness of national memory. // IFLA Journal 18(1992), str. 119-123.
4. BELL, B. An annotated guide to current national bibliographies. München : Saur, 1998.
5. BOURNE, R. National bibliographies : do they have a future? // Alexandria 5(1993). str. 99-100.
6. DOMJAN, Ž. Biografske zbirke i leksikoni u Hrvata. // Forum 5/6(1988), str. 474-484.

Additional reading list
1. GÖMPEL, R. IFLA-CDNL alliance for bibliographic standards (ICABS) : a new approach to international co-operation. World Library and Information Congress : 70th IFLA General Conference and Council, 22-27 August 2004, Buenos Aires. http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla70/prog04.htm
2. GRAĐA za hrvatsku retrospektivnu bibliografiju knjiga : 1835-1940. Zagreb : Nacionalna i sveučilišna biblioteka, 1982-. Knj. 1, str. I-XXXII.
3. HALL, S. National bibliographies on CD-ROM. // Alexandria 9(1997), str. 143-154.
4. HORVAT, A. Nacionalna tekuća bibliografija u službi Univerzalne bibliografske kontrole. // Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske 43,1/2(2000), str. 1-8.
5. LOGAR, J. Uvod u bibliografiju. Sarajevo : Svjetlost, 1971.
6. MURATI, T. Druga međunarodna konferencija o nacionalnim bibliografijama, Kopenhagen, Danska, 25.-27. studenoga 1998. // Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske 42(1999), str. 81-96.
7. SALOMONSEN, A. The European national libraries cooperative project on CD-ROM : results, experiences and perspectives. Alexandria 5(1993), str. 193-200.
8. SMITH, R. National bibliographies on CD-ROM : a development of a common approach. // International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control 23(1994), str. 15-18.
9. STOKES, R. The function of bibliography. 2nd ed. Aldershot, Hants. : Gower, 1982.
10. VERONA, E. Univerzalna bibliografska kontrola i međunarodno ujednačavanje kataložnih postupaka. // Informatologia yugoslavica 8(1976), str. 1-28.
11. ŽIVKOVIĆ, D. Elektronička knjiga. Zagreb : Multigraf, 2001.Str. 53-75.
12. Katz, William A. Introduction to reference work. 8th ed. New York <etc.> : Mc Graw-Hill, 2002. 2 sv.
13. Sečić, Dora. Informacijska služba u knjižnici. Rijeka : Benja, 1995.
14. Nephodno je proučiti natuknice: biografija, bibliografija, enciklopedija, Konrad Gesner i leksikon, objavljene u Hrvatska enciklopedija. Zagreb : LZ, 1999- ., te web stranice www.nsk.hr.