Subject: Records management
Course: Records management
ECTS credits: 6
Language: Croatian
Duration: 1 semester
Status: compulsory elective
Method of teaching: 2 lecture hours and 2 hours of seminar
Prerequisite: none
Assessment: oral exam
Course description:
Records management: subject and purpose. Importance of records management for an organization's business. Role of records management in the information system of an organization.
Tasks and properties of the records management system. Records management policy. Records management functions: Design of records management system. Design and use of records management tools. Managing and maintenance of records management programme. Analysis and appraisal of records management system.
Purpose and objectives of classification of records. Classification of business functions and activities, classification by contents.
Organization of classification plan. Analysis and classification of business functions and activities. Identification of requirements for records. Defining documentation units.
Types of classification plans. General, branch and special classification plans. Classification plan examples. Implementation and maintenance of classification plan. Role of classification plan in performing records management functions.
Metadata term. Ways of recording data. Associating metadata with the record. Metadata models (Dublin Core, Public Record Office Functional Requirements, MoReq etc).
Course objectives:
Students master the basics of records and documentation management in organizations, they are acquainted with functions and properties of records management systems, they learn to perform tasks in records management, design and use records management tools. They are acquainted with regulations and organization of records management, with principles of creating classification systems, with classification systems in Croatia and other countries, they learn to design and implement classification systems. They are acquainted with the term and importance of metadata.
Quality check and success of the course: Quality check and success of the course will be done by combining internal and external evaluation. Internal evaluation will be done by teachers and students using survey method at the end of semester. The external evaluation will be done by colleagues attending the course, by monitoring and assessment of the course.
Reading list:
1. ISO 15489. Upravljanje zapisima. Dio 1: Općenito, Dio 2: Smjernice (Information and Documentation – Records Management
2. Model zahtjeva za upravljanje elektroničkim zapisima – MoReq, Hrvatski državni arhiv, Zagreb 2003.
3. Maria Guercio, Načela, metode i instrumenti za stvaranje, zaštitu i korištenje arhivskih zapisa u digitalnom okruženju, u: Modernizacija hrvatske uprave, Zagreb, 2003: 247-278.
4. Michael Wettengel, Međunarodni rad na standardizaciji upravljanja zapisima. U povodu objavljivanja međunarodnog standarda ISO 15489, u: Modernizacija hrvatske uprave, Zagreb, 2003: 279-292.
5. Jozo Ivanović, Sheme metapodataka i upravljanje dokumentima, Arhivski vjesnik 44 (2001), str. 103-121
6. Davorin Eržišnik, Josipa Paver, Arhivistika za djelatnike u pismohranama, Zagreb 1991.
Additional reading list:
1. Laura Millar, Principles of Records and Archives Management, International Records Management Trust, London 1997.
2. M. Rastić (priredio), Arhivi i arhivsko gradivo. Zbirka pravnih propisa 1828-1997., Zagreb, Hrvatski državni arhiv, 1998.
3. Tomislav Ćepulić, MoReq i uredsko poslovanje. Arhivski vjesnik 46 (2003), str. 77 84
4. Requirements for Electronic Records Management Systems, Public Record Office, London 2002. (URL: