
Academic year 2009-2010

Service learning projects


Projects’ goals and partners

The aim of the first project was to create an interactive application for learning English language (including study materials for self-assessment as a preparation for the State Graduation Exam) for the girls’ grammar school „Sisters of Mercy“. Students also created a CD to promote the institution among graduating primary school pupils and for foreign schools interested in the exchange student programs. The CD was part of the monograph issued in honor of the school’s 15th.


The aim of the second projects was to create the visual identity for the dance association A&M through design of their logo, memo, brochure with appealing design, business cards and web site, as well as database of all members and associates.


The aim of the third project was to design a warm, cheerful website for the Puturama student association that organizes low-cost travel for students ( http://www.puturama.org/)


The last project in this academic year named Kvisko aimed to develop the educational corner for the website of the elementary school Retkovec that would help the school and its teachers to attract more pupils to visit the web page and learn something new or possibly affirm their knowledge on a familiar topic while browsing through the content and enjoyable educational activities. Our students were given numerous handwritten materials made by the school’s pupils during their school year that consisted of anagrams, mental maps, games of logic, quizzes on general knowledge, Croatian language and literature, history etc. Although it took a lot of time and effort to convert these handwritten materials into useful e-activities, students used it as a means to attract pupils. Their basic hypothesis was that e-activities would look more friendly, interesting and engaging to pupils, if their own ideas and materials were implemented in the e-environment. The educational corner was also intended to motivate the elementary schools’ teachers to realize the importance of communication with their pupils in an online environment, and to encourage them to put their educational materials online in order to establish better communication and interaction with their pupils. Many teachers embraced this application, while school pupils were excited to find that their handwritten materials were used for something creative and useful.