Poštovani kolegice i kolege,

Povodom obilježavanja 40. obljetnice osnutka Katedre za arhivistiku i dokumentalistiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu čast nam je pozvati vas na predavanje Charlesa Dollara, Lori Ashley i Milovana Mišića pod nazivom “Digital Preservation Capability: A Retrospective”. Predavanje na engleskom jeziku će se održati 13. rujna 2024. s početkom u 10h u Vijećnici Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Ivana Lučića 3, Zagreb. Detaljne informacije o prijenosu putem YouTube kanala bit će nekoliko dana prije predavanja.


Digital Preservation Capability: A Retrospective
by Charles Dollar, Lori Ashley, and Milovan Mišić

Implications of the ubiquitous use of digital technologies on the essential work of records managers and archivists are profound. Too often a lack of influence over upstream practices combined with insufficient resources to process a tsunami of transfers puts electronic records of long-term and permanent value at significant risk.

This session features a conversation between three long-time colleagues about their independent and shared journeys to help individual organizations and repositories benchmark capabilities to preserve electronic records, support development of improvement plans, and promote collaboration and the exchange of information on good practices.

 Charles Dollar Lori Ashley Milovan Misic