Subject: Lexicography and encyclopaedica
Course: Introduction to encyclopaedica
ECTS credits: 3
Language: Croatian
Duration: 1 semester
Status: obligatory for DHI study, elective for all other studies
Method of teaching: 1 lecture hour and 1 hour of practical work every week
Prerequisites: Language databases
Assessment: oral presentation of one scientific paper in the field of encyclopaedica as well as the modelling of one encyclopaedic entry and adding of that entry into online encyclopaedia

Course description:
The course gives the basic terms in the field of encyclopaedica. It explains the human need for the organization of the knowledge sources. It also gives the short historic overview of encyclopaedias starting from the first encyclopaedic records up to the French encyclopaedists and contemporary electronic encyclopaedias. Croatian encyclopaedias and the famous encyclopaedists are discussed. Also, classification of encyclopaedias is explained, methods and criteria for knowledge organization in encyclopaedias are presented and key rules for the modelling of the encyclopaedic entry are given. Encyclopaedias and new media are also explored, as well as topics such as: encyclopaedias as epochal historical images of world.
Course practical comprises the research in the field of electronic and online encyclopaedias such as Britannica and Encarta, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Artcyclopedia, Encyclopedia Mythica, etc. Students will model the encyclopaedic entry on their own and will participate in modelling of the principles and knowledge organization in a shared electronic encyclopaedia. They will also add their own entries into online encyclopaedia and thus will take part into creation of such an encyclopaedia.

Course objectives:
Students should learn how to use the general and specific online encyclopaedias for the purpose of retrieval of the reliable, secure and reviewed information. They should be able to model the encyclopaedic entry on their own and to participate in modelling of the principles and knowledge organization in a shared electronic encyclopaedia.

Quality check and success of the course: Quality check and success of the course will be done by combining internal and external evaluation. Internal evaluation will be done by teachers and students using survey method at the end of semester. The external evaluation will be done by colleagues attending the course, by monitoring and assessment of the course.

Reading list:
1. Damir Boras, Nenad Prelog. Enciklopedija budućnosti: interaktivni izvor znanja, Radovi Leksikografskog zavoda Miroslav Krleža, 10 (2001), pp. 145-153, Sažetak, Summary, Lit. 6.
2. Umberto Eco, Od Interneta do Gutenberga, 1996.
3. Antun Vujić, Utemeljivanje enciklopedijske leksikografije kao informacijske znanosti, u: Slavko Tkalac i Miroslav Tuđman, uredili, Informacijske znanosti i znanje, Zagreb: Zavod za informacijske studije, 1990: 141-146.

Additional reading list:
1. Igor Gostl, Od glagoljskih lucidarija do "Hrvatske enciklopedije", u: Radovi Leksikografskog zavoda Miroslav Krleža, Zagreb: 1995, 81-124.
2. Radoslav Katičić, Enciklopedizam kao motiv književne i kulturne povijesti, u: Radovi Leksikografskog zavoda Miroslav Krleža, Zagreb: 1991, 15-18.
3. Tomislav Ladan, Enciklopedije: izmedju zamisljivog i provedivog obrasca, u. Encyclopaedia Moderna, 364-369.
4. Nenad Prelog, Damir Boras. Bibliografski izvori znanja na novim medijima, Radovi Leksikografskog zavoda Miroslav Krleža, 10 (2001), pp. 155-159, Sažetak, Summary, Lit. 4.
5. Antun Vujić, Razvitak enciklopedistike i enciklopedijsko vrednovanje, u: Radovi Leksikografskog zavoda Miroslav Krleža, Zagreb: 1991, 25-44.
6. Ljerka Schiffler, Ideja enciklopedizma i filozofijsko mišljenje, Zagreb: 1989.
7. Ljerka Schiffler-Premec, Znanstvena spoznaja i enciklopedije, u: Radovi Leksikografskog zavoda Miroslav Krleža, Zagreb: 1991, 19-24.
8. Zgusta, Ladislav. Priručnik leksikografije. Sarajevo : Svjetlost, 1991.