Subject: Museum communication   
Course: Fundamentals of museum communication   
ECTS credits: 6 together with the course Museum exhibition
Language: Croatian
Duration: 1 semester
Status: compulsory course
Method of teaching: 1 hour lecture and 1 hour of practical class
Assessment: written report with discussion

Course description: Museological function of the communication – critical approach; Types of the communication in the museum environment; Communication via edition/book versus communication via speech – presentations, lectures etc; Communication in the museum and new media; Exhibition as the most representative tool; Exhibition planning and organising;  Exhibition catalogue versus collection catalogue; Visitor’s aspect of the communication process; Museum visitors, non-visitors and users; Introduction to the museum visitor studies: theory and basic observation techniques; Conclusion.    

Course objectives:
Learners should understand on the theoretical level museological function of the communication, as well as all types of it. On the practical level they should be prepared to produce some of them, especially simple museum publication. Also, they should be acquainted with the basic knowledge of museum visitor studies theory and techniques.  

Quality check and success of the course: Quality check and success of the course will be done by combining internal and external evaluation. Internal evaluation will be done by teachers and students using survey method at the end of semester. The external evaluation will be done by colleagues attending the course, by monitoring and assessment of the course.

Reading list:
1. Maroević, I. Komunikacija. u: Uvod u muzeologiju. Zagreb: Zavod za informacijske studije, 1993, str. 199-259.
2. Muzejske publikacije. Muzejska publikacija i novi mediji /Tema broja/ Informatica museologica, br. 3-4, 2001, str. 6-116.
3. Hooper-Greenhill, E. Museums and their visitors. London, N.Y: Routledge, 1994.

Additional reading list:
1. Thompson, J. Manual of curatorship: A guide to museum practice. /Museum publications/ London: Butterworth's, 1984.
2. McManus, P M. Written communications for museums and heritage sites, in Archaeological displays and the Public.  London: Archtype books, 2000,  pp. 97-114