Darko Babić holds a PhD in Museum/Heritage Studies and works as an associate professor at the Sub-Department of Museology and Heritage Management (University of Zagreb, Croatia). After earning MA degrees in Ethnology and Information Sciences/Museology he gained diverse experience working as a project manager on international projects, an organiser of museum/heritage conferences, a PR for events, an archivist and an assistant on national TV. Darko is active in contributing to the advancement of the museum/heritage profession by serving as acting chairman (from 2016-2019) of ICOM-ICTOP (UNESCO) and ICOM Croatia (Chairman from 2014-2020), as a member of the Supervisory Committee to the European Association for Heritage Interpretation (2010-2019) and as an adviser to the European Museum Forum. He is/was a national leader on 4 EU funded heritage projects as well regular author or adviser to diverse museum and heritage projects.
Fields of interest:
- Heritage Studies
- Interpretation and Management
- Heritage and Sustainable Development
- Heritage Literacy and Education
- Mediterranean Heritage
Courses (MA programme in Museology & Heritage Management):
- Heritage Management
- Heritage and Development
- Heritage Interpretation
- Heritage Marketing
Projects (selected):
International / EU projects:
- Erasmus + // TEHIC - Towards a European Heritage Interpretation Curriculum (12/2022 - 05/2025) / 400.000,00 € budget // Transnational leader : University of Gothenburg, Sweden / national leader (for University of Zagreb - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences): Darko Babić, PhD
- EU Lifelong Learning - Grundtvig Multilateral // Heritage Interpretation for Adult Learning (12/2013-08/2016) / 391.233,00 € budget // Transnational leader : Landcommanderij Alden Biesen, Belgium / national leader (for University of Zagreb - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences): Darko Babić, PhD
- South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme // Launching (g)local level heritage entrepreneurship: strategies and tools to unite forces, safeguard the place, mobilize cultural values, deliver the experience- SAGITTARIUS (03/2012-06/2014) / 2.3 million € budget // Transnational leader: University of Aegean, Greece / national leader (for Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences): Darko Babić, PhD
- Preparatory actions for preserving and restoring cultural heritage in conflict areas in the Western Balkans for the year 2010 (EUROPEAID/131266/C/ACT/MULTI) // Jankovic Castle: historic site, generating sustainable development of the Ravni Kotari region (12/2011-07/2014) / 328 495,00 € budget // Transnational leader: University of Zagreb, Prof. Drago Roksandić / Darko Babić, PhD responsible for museum & heritage section
National projects:
- Fond za Razvoj Sveučilišta, Sveučilište u Zagrebu // Međunarodni sveučilišni centar u Islamu Grčkom i mediteranska akademska zajednica: razvoj i perspektive (01/2012-01/2013) / 300.000,00 HRK budget // Provoditelji: Filozofski fakultet, Agronomski fakultet, Arhitektonski fakultet i Geodetski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu // Voditelj projekta: dr. sc. Drago Roksandić, red. prof. ( Darko Babić, koordinator paketa za muzeje/baštinu)
- Membership:
- ICOM - International Council of Museums (at UNESCO) // ICOM-ICTOP Chairman (from 2016-2019), Board Member (2010-2016; 2019-2022) / Chairman of Croatian National Committee of ICOM (from 2014 - 2020), Board member (2011-2014; 2020-2023)
- Interpret Europe - European Association for Heritage Interpretation // Supervisory Committee Board member (from 2010 - 2019)
- ICOMOS - International Council on Monuments and Sites (at UNESCO) / member
- HED - Croatian Ethnological Society
Publications listed in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography (CROSBI)